Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Alternative Medicine Cabinet

Apart from the odd paracetamol (the safest painkiller on the market) I don't have any over the counter preparations in the house and rely totally on natural products which not only work but are also safe to use. So this article I am setting out a few ideas for your own Alternative Medicine Cabinet.
The list below covers a whole range of ailments and is by no means definitive but a good starting point for those of you wishing to start your own alternative medicine cabinet.
Use the 6C or 30C potencies (all listed should be obtainable from pharmacies and health shops). Adults should take 2 tablets and children under 12 one only. Take without water and do not eat or drink for 15 minutes before and after taking.
ACONITE - good for shock. For example, if you have fallen and are a little shaky take this remedy before the following one (Arnica). Take 2 tablets immediately.
If taken at the first sign of a cold brought on by actually being cold they should stop it developing. Take 2 tablets every hour on 6 occasions.
ARNICA - wonderful for bruising, be this bruising you can see after, for example, a knock, or internal bruising. Take immediately after knocking yourself - 2 tablets every hour x 6. Dental work - take 2 tablets on the day of the work and then 3 times a day for 2 days afterwards. Do the same pre and post surgery to avoid internal bruising. Arnica cream is also useful to rub on a bruise - do not use if the skin is broken though. In this case use Calendula cream or Pawpaw ointment (see below).
ARSENICUM ALBUM - great for digestive problems, sickness and diarrhoea. Take 2 tablets every 15 minutes 6 times maximum.
CALENDULA CREAM - can be used on broken skin and great for heat rash, sunburn, nappy rash and chickenpox.
GELSEMIUM - good for colds and flu if you have a humdinger of a sore throat, aching and shivering. Take as Aconite.
FERR PHOS - this can stop a cold before it develops. Take as Aconite. I find Gelsemium stops a cold with me. My husband finds this remedy works for him so experiment to see which is the best for you.
RHUS TOX - excellent for aches and pains following gardening, DIY, etc. Take 2 tablets straight after the manual job and then have an Epsom Salt bath(see details on this below) that evening and the next day you should be pain - free.
Homoeopathic remedies last indefinitely if stored away from light, heat and strong smells. So keep these away from the following essential oils.
CLOVE - apply neat with a cotton bud to aching teeth or gums. Repeat twice daily.
LAVENDER - can be used neat on wounds, insect bites, burns (after holding burn under cold running water for 10 minutes).
TEA TREE - can be used neat on cold sores, spots and infected acne. Use 2 drops in a glass of water to gargle with if you have a sore throat. Repeat 3 times a day. For wounds - clean well under running water, add 10 drops to 1 pint warm water and use this solution to bathe the wound. Cover with a dressing.
All the above oils last a maximum of 2 years so discard after that time.
ALOE VERA - you can buy a gel but it is easier to buy a plant and keep on a windowsill in the kitchen. Great for burns (as with Lavender, hold burn under cold running water for 10 minutes first) break off a leaf and squeeze some of the gel onto the burn. For wounds, put some of the gel on after cleaning under cold water first.
ECHINACEA TINCTURE - an immune system booster. Take for one month during September and again in March to avoid flu following the directions on the tincture bottle.
RESCUE REMEDY - one of the Bach Flower Remedies and something every home should have. It is good for any acute situation be this following sudden shock, fear or anxiety. Use before flying, driving tests, exams, etc. Take 4 drops direct on tongue every 10 minutes. Repeat as often as necessary.
PAWPAW OINTMENT - this is available from suppliers on the internet. It is an ointment which can be used for every age group, including babies being particularly good for nappy rash. It works on bruises, insect bites, cuts, burns, nettle rash, eczema. I have used it on small diabetic ulcers on the feet as well. If you are on a budget you could use this and save money on the Arnica and Calendula creams.
EPSOM SALTS - these are available from pharmacies. They are excellent to add to a bath up to 4 times a week to help arthritis, aching muscles and at the start of a cold or flu (they heat up the water so cause you to sweat the inflammation out). Add a mugful to a warm, not too hot, bath. Agitate the water and soak for 15 minutes. If you have high blood pressure or a heart condition make sure the water is warm and not really hot and use at most three times a week.
There may seem to be quite a few remedies to buy to stock up your own Alternative Medicine cabinet but, once purchased, they will last for a couple of years at least and it will mean you have something on hand to deal with most first aid problems. If you do have a problem that persists, however, have it checked by your doctor rather than continuing with self - prescribed treatment.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Tips for Choosing the Right Three Position Lift Chair for You

Three position lift chairs offer users three convenient positions from which to choose. There is the upright position at one end and the 135-degree almost reclined position at the other end with the 45-degree incline in between. These three positions offer the ultimate in comfort as it allows the user to sit upright when reading, or sit at an inclined position to watch TV or even sleep comfortably in the chair. However, to enjoy the benefits of this type of power chair it is important to choose one that is right for you.
Factors You Will Need to Consider
Lift chairs come in a wide assortment of shapes and sizes to accommodate people of different shapes and different heights. The first thing you need to consider is whether the chair is big and wide enough for you. The right size chair is one in which your feet can touch the floor without straining when you are sitting.
The next thing to consider is which type of chair is most appropriate to meet your needs. Some chairs are designed with basic functionalities whereas others offer more advanced functionalities such as zero-gravity positioning that boosts circulation and offers enhanced back relief. There are also several additional features, such as heating and massage, that offer an even higher degree of comfort and relief. While all of these extra functionalities and features may sound so much more attractive, they can increase the price of the chair drastically. Feature filled chairs are a much more expensive option and you may want to consider them only if it is necessary and if your budget allows for it. Your doctor can help you weigh the pros and cons and make the right choice.
Another thing to remember is that these chairs can be pretty bulky and will take up a lot of space with even more space needed when they are reclined. Make sure you measure the chair and the available space so that you can be sure it will fit into the room where you are planning to place it and it can also be comfortably reclined. After all, if you are planning on investing in a three position lift chair you will want to place it somewhere where you can avail of the benefits of all three positions.
A lift chair may serve a utilitarian purpose but ultimately it is also a piece of furniture and as such, it needs to fit into the overall decor of your home. You do not want to get a chair that will clash with the existing decor.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Living Well and Staying Alive

Staying fit and healthy is the only way life can be better. Day in and out, we are faced with taking so many decisions with regards to our lives and also our health. Eating the right foods and making sure that we are not faced with difficult health situations we cannot deal with is where we do not want to be which is why we must make sure we are always eating right.
The difference between a healthy person and an unhealthy person is the ability and the willingness to want to make a change. Below are some tips to help you live a healthy life and also stay strong and healthy at all times;
· Make sure you sleep well. Do not sleep less than 8 hours every night.
· Make sure you take lots of water during the day to help in cleansing your body.
· Make sure you do not eat just anything especially junk food from restaurants.
· Eating foods like pasta, etc late at night is very dangerous.
· Stay away from fatty foods and foods that contain high calories like processed foods, biscuits, margarine, candy, meat, chicken, etc.
Having various food recipes on the many healthy foods available can help you eat only the right things. Eating more fresh fruits and vegetables will go a long way to ensuring that your health is in place. For instance, vegetables and fruits like;
· Tomatoes
· Cabbage
· Carrot
· Spinach
· Green beans
· Onions
· Lettuce, etc
· Oranges
· Apples
· Bananas
· Blue berries
· Red grapes, etc.
A healthy life is never easy to go through with however; if you really value your life and also the happiness of your family and yourself, you will definitely understand that your life might be your life but can affect many people in different ways. There are only a few people that have been able to understand what health really means and for those people, life is just beautiful.
Switching from your normal way of life especially wth regards to your eating lifestyle to eat healthy can be quite a difficult transition, this is why it is always advisable to take the process slowly. Rushing the whole process will only lead you to fail but when you take things easy, you will realise how easy the entire process is.
Good health means wealth which is why you must make sure you do not take your health and the way you live for granted.
It is sad to see many people die of illnesses and diseases that could have been prevented if they had just lived a healthy life by eating the right foods and paying attention to their bodies needs in a positive way. Do not be like them, start concentrating on your health and make sure you are on the right track for health is wealth.